BioBanking Solutions - Hair Loss Treatment


Aging, biologically speaking, refers to the process whereby molecular and cellular damage occurs and accumulates over time. The effects of this damage can be seen in the physical changes that occur in our bodies as they age and include greying hair, hair loss and wrinkling of the skin.

Stem Cells

Stem cells are the body’s raw materials — cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Under the right conditions in the body or a laboratory, stem cells divide to form more cells called daughter cells.
Stem cells are our first line of defense against aging, as they grow and can be grown when needed. They are responsible for generating new cells and replacing already damaged cells. However, the number of stem cells and their capacity to regenerate organs, muscles, bone, and more, may decrease over time.

Regenerative Medicine

We are entering a new era of regenerative medicine, geared towards solving this problem. In fact, the aim of regenerative medicine is to replace aging and damaged cells (via stem cell therapy), or even the whole organ in some instances (through tissue engineering) instead of medically treating the disease or disorder.

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What Our core client say ?

David Riad

I researched Applied Biobanking Solution’s hair follicle biobanking service and decided to proceed with biobanking as an insurance policy.
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